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What is Integrative Medicine?


Integrative Medicine is an emerging healing practice that combines the best of a variety of healing traditions, but does not limit itself to any specific ones.  Nutrition, Functional Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Herbalism, Bodywork, and Energy healing may all be part of any one individual's integrative practice, which may include some degree of conventional medicine. An integrative practitioner tends to use conventional pharmaceuticals far less frequently than conventional doctors, but still may use them when medically indicated, and will probably use laboratory testing and imaging studies, but generally more conservatively than in traditional medical practices.  At Dynamis, Mark Brody uses a combination of  homeopathic medicine, herbal medicine, nutrition, functional medicine, Bowenwork, and conventional medical treatment.

What is Preventive Medicine? 

Preventive Medicine is a type of medical practice that not only aims to prevent disease, but also tends to look for the root causes of disease and remove these inciting factors.  While conventional primary care aims to prevent illness, it often falls short because of the limitations of the conventional non-holistic fragmented view of health and healing.  This leads primary care physicians to refer out to specialists for a great many problems which a true preventive medical practitioner would consider within their own province.  There is also a tendency among PCP's to rely on pharmaceuticals far more than other preventive medical practitioners.  In true preventive medicine, there is a recognition of the significant morbidity and mortality produced by pharmaceuticals, and an effort to use safer and equally or more effective alternative treatments wherever possible.

Does Dynamis do Primary Care?  

Not exactly.  Preventive and Integrative Medicine have significant overlap with Primary Care, but have important differences.  In Preventive Medicine, there is a greater emphasis on working with you on lifestyle issues, such as diet, exercise, toxin avoidance, detoxification, EMF remediation, and introducing important supplements, herbs and possibly yoga or meditation practices depending on your health needs.  In most PCP's offices the annual physical counts towards much or most of the preventive care, with far less time being spent on lifestyle medical issues.  In addition the average appointment with a PCP is 10-20 minutes, whereas with Dynamis 45 minutes is the norm.  It should be obvious one can get a lot more done with prevention in 45 minutes than in 10-20 minutes.  Many people are happy with the care they receive from their PCP and there are many excellent PCP's.  However, PCP's are in short supply and many would prefer a PCP who turns less quickly to medication.  For those having difficulty finding a PCP or who want a more holistic and preventive model of health care,  Dynamis may be a reasonable alternative.  We at Dynamis feel confident we can offer you top quality health care, which may fill the needs for many as an alternative to  conventional primary care. However, we do not pretend or aim to be a substitute for it. 

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a complete system of medical treatment that makes use of substances normally found in nature, which are prepared into remedies by a process of serial dilution. Founded around 1800 by Samuel Hahnemann a German physician, homeopathy was derived from an ancient idea first described in Hippocrates time (c.400B.C.) that “like cures like.”  This credo, known widely among homeopaths in its Latin form – similia similibus curentur” is perhaps the fundamental principle of homeopathy, and forms the basis of all therapeutic interventions.

What is Bowenwork? 

Sometimes referred to as the "Homeopathy of bodywork," Bowenwork is a manual therapy which restores balance to the body by applying gentle dynamic pressures on connective tissue.  Bowenwork can address general health problems and more specific ones, and is not limited to musculoskeletal kinds of problems. 

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine was developed in the 1990's by Dr. Jeffrey Blanchard to address many types of health problems which were caused by environmental  toxicity or nutritional deficiencies.  Functional Medicine utilizes a variety of tests to look for toxicities and nutrient deficiencies and treats them with dietary modifications, supplements and detoxification. 

Why membership based care instead of health insurance? 
Latest Clinic News:


June 1, 2019


The world has still not been incinerated by the effects of global warming and Dynamis is accepting new patients!



Many of the current ills of our health care system can be attributed to the insurance based payment system.  By opting out of this system, you get more time with your doctor, and since your doctor has fewer patients, easier access to your doctor (and also a less stressed-out over-worked doctor).  You can still have minimal health insurance to help cover the costs of catastrophic care, but the quality of your health care (and my job as a practitioner) will be much higher than when we operate outside the insurance-based system. Also when your doctor works for you, his/her job becomes much easier when he/she keeps you healthy.  In the insurance-based system, your doctor's clinical success lowers revenues, since you will come in less often. The membership system more properly  incentivizes the doctor to keep you healthy. 

Medicinal Herbs

Dynamis Preventive and Integrative Healthcare Information

 Mark Brody 

845 North Main St. Suite 8

Providence, RI. 02904

/ 401-861-4643

JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Want to practice preventive healthcare with Dynamis?  Only those with prior training in holistic health will be considered. Call or e-mail for info. 

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